As strange as it may seem, the question of how to meditate correctly worries not only beginners, but also those who have sufficient experience in the practice of meditation. The explanation is easy. We have been taught to experiment, to listen to ourselves, and to find our own ways. That’s why people tend to do “right” according to some instructions, looking for exact recipes.
I confess that I, too, once considered meditation to be something incomprehensible and very complicated. And I could not figure out how to approach it “correctly. I had a very strong “excellent complex”.
Of course, any business has its own characteristics. And it is important to know them. That’s why mentoring and advice from people who really understand the field are so valuable. Always and in everything look for such people! Then you will not have mistakes and aimless loss of time.
The following can be said about meditation. If you do not have a skill yet and you do not know how to meditate correctly, then begin to master this practice with the basic foundations of meditation. And then get acquainted with the material of this article.
If you already have developed skills in meditation, then do not miss the opportunity to practice in nature. You receive a mass of new experiences and a new level in your development. For nature, its beauty, sounds, and fresh air multiply the effects of meditation.
Why It’s Good to Meditate in Nature
No one disputes that meditation should be practiced only in a secluded place. It’s hard to relax where other people are busy doing something else. But, even if you stay in the apartment by yourself, this practice doesn’t always work out well. You have probably noticed that it is not always possible to distract yourself completely and concentrate your attention at home.
Ironically, the reason for this is the modern rhythm and rapid technological progress. Houses are literally permeated with electromagnetic radiation, which affects our brain. No matter what they say, but this fact is true. That is why doctors do not advise you to keep any devices in your bedrooms.
In addition, in any home negative energy accumulates (if it is not cleaned regularly). Life is such that it doesn’t pass without stress. And speaking of apartment buildings makes no sense at all. The level of negativity in them can simply go off the scale. And all this is felt by our subconsciousness.
That’s why meditation in nature is much more fruitful and brighter. Don’t miss out on the wonderful opportunities that summer offers.
You can meditate in completely different places – in a clearing, in the woods, under the sound of the sea and by a quiet river. This will allow you to perfectly relax, forget about your problems and see ways to solve them. It’s best to meditate in one place. Over time, you will find the places where your meditation process is strongest.

How to prepare yourself for meditation
If you are used to meditating lying down, be sure to bring a comfortable bed. Your clothes should also be comfortable and not restrict your movement. Don’t hurry to settle down on the first suitable clearing. First, see if you will not be disturbed by insects. Nasty squeaks and bites are unlikely to contribute to your concentration.
Secondly, begin to relax before you even begin your practice. Try to free your head as much as possible from everything that disturbs you.
Take a short walk at a leisurely pace and observe your surroundings. After all, there are so many entertaining things around – the grass under your feet, leaves on trees, unusual flowers. And it’s all living and moving. This is real life and real peace.
Concentrate as much as possible on your breath. Feel the taste of the air, breathe it in with your chest full. And imagine that with each inhalation the life-giving power of Nature pours into you. And with an exhalation all your worries and problems leave you.
And only after you calm down, relax, and gain strength, you may start the actual meditation practice. For this purpose, settle down in some secluded and quiet place. Make sure that it is not blown by the wind, and from the ground would not pull a cold. On hot summer days one must also beware of the direct sun. After all, you do not aim to get sunstroke.
If you have any technology with you (smartphone, tablet, iphone, etc.), don’t forget to turn it off.
How to Properly Meditate in Nature
The most difficult thing for a meditator is to be able to concentrate his thoughts on a certain object. After all, thousands of different thoughts slip through our heads every second. There may be fragments of advertising, words from songs, some random phrases, etc., etc.
But it’s possible to learn how to control your thoughts. And almost anyone can develop the ability to concentrate. You just need to practice it purposefully.
In nature it is much easier to curb your restless mind. Buddhist monks have a special technique for that. It consists in allowing the mind to generate thoughts, but limiting their subject. Only thoughts on the subject of the meditation are allowed. In nature, then, it may be thoughts about what you see around you.
To meditate in nature, it is enough to focus your attention on what is around you – clouds, trees, grasses, flowers. And if your thoughts begin to run away from that subject, make a volitional effort to bring them back.
After a while choose just one object (a cloud, a stone, a lonely tree, a beautiful flower) and dwell only on it. Let your thoughts go only to that object. Your goal is to dissolve into the surrounding Nature, to achieve the feeling of unity with it. After all, the World is one and a man is only a part of it.
Gradually your thoughts will begin to subside. But even if your mind starts to turn on again, let it think only about this object and its properties (This tree has been growing here for a long time; The crown of this tree is very unusual; Under this tree it is good to take shelter from summer heat, etc.).
In addition to the objects you perceive visually, you can meditate on some sounds (the sound of a waterfall, the splash of waves) or smells (the aroma of flowers or coniferous forest). Choose that which suits you best and which perception system you have the most developed.
If you have already achieved some perfection in meditation practice, you can try a more complicated technique – alternation of open and closed eyes.
First you observe an object and then draw it before your mental gaze. This will allow you to develop your visualization abilities. And then successfully use the practice of visualization for your own purposes. Remember that visualization is a very powerful technique for achieving your dreams.
What does meditation in nature give you
It is helpful to meditate in nature as often as possible. Agree that it is quite realistic to take 10-20 minutes of your precious time for personal development. You can’t do more than that, as you won’t be able to hold your attention for long. As I said before, it is better to meditate in the same place. The body has its own memory too. And it will be easier for you to enter the meditative state.
Various schools of self-development claim the great benefits of the practice of meditation in nature. Many great men have practiced this practice. With its help, they freed their minds from small thoughts. And thanks to this, they were visited by new and interesting ideas.
Try practicing it yourself. What if during this summer you can make a leap in business or on the career ladder … After all, success comes only to those who think in terms of success. And they, too, need a place in your head.
Also, meditating in nature is a great way to calm down. It is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Agree that in our busy age and time of incessant stress, finding an effective way to calm down is a much needed endeavor. This practice allows you to rise above your problems, to rethink them, to understand something about them. But note that the understanding itself comes after the meditation (as if “catching up” with you).
Those who regularly practice meditation can confirm that their mind is noticeably sharpened. Interesting new ideas come to them more quickly. And it has become easier for them to find effective ways to solve problems.
And also, when a person merges with Nature, he brings harmony and beauty into his life, acquires a new perspective on the world. With this practice there is a further development of a person on the subtle plane. Yogis say that this practice opens up the chakras. I.e. it strengthens the energy field of a person.
Summer is on the threshold. Use this time for your development and strengthen yourself on the different planes – emotional, mental and physical. Now you know how to properly meditate in nature. Success to you in such useful and pleasant practice!